Appsys ProAudio Multiverter MVR-mkII
704 x 704 Channel
Universal Format Converter
- Second generation multi-format converter and digital audio bridge
- Supported formats include ADAT, MADI, Dante, AES-3, AES50 & more via Flexiverter add-ons!
- 704x704 channels routing matrix with channel-wise routing/splitting between interfaces
- Bi-directional sample rate conversion up to 128 channels using the SRC-64 plug-in module
- Fully remote-controllable via Web, Web-over-USB and command line (telnet/UART)
- Integrated headphone amp to monitor any incoming signal
- Supports 44.1...192 kHz operation
- Preset store/recall (16 different setups)
- Test tone generator
- Triple-redundant power supply
The evolution of the world's most versatile format converter
The Appsys ProAudio Multiverter MVR mkII is designed to meet all of your digital audio conversion needs!
Now into its second generation, this unique piece of hardware is able to convert between many different digital audio interfaces and formats - any to any, all at once.
The Multiverter mkII is packed with features like channel-wise-routing, web interface, sample rate conversion, headamp remote control and much more.
And if you're an MVR-64 (old model) user: All firmware features of the new model will also be back-ported as long as the hardware allows it!
Appsys ProAudio Multiverter mkII front panel (click to enlarge)
What the Multiverter can do for you:
- Interface your recording gear to any signal source
- Make your production truck or OB van compatible to any incoming signal and clock
- Sample-rate convert between any interfaces using the SRC-64 plugin module
- Dante < > Dante bridging of different networks with optional sample rate conversion (up to 64ch 96k <> 48k bidirectional*)
- Use your ethernet port as recording interface with the Dante® Virtual Soundcard technology
- Record from any source, and directly from MIDAS®/Behringer® stageboxes with remote headamp control
- Bring your legacy gear up to date
- ...and anything else you can imagine!
* Additional FLX-DANTE / AUX-DANTE required
Key features
- 704x704 channels routing matrix with channel-wise routing/splitting between interfaces
- Bi-directional sample rate conversion up to 128 channels using the SRC-64 plug-in module
- Fully remote-controllable via Web, Web-over-USB and command line (telnet/UART) Web Remote Demo
- Headamp remote control for MIDAS®/Behringer® stageboxes
- Integrated headphone amp to monitor any incoming signal
Web Remote
All features of the Multiverter MVR-mkII are available from the Web Remote, which is accessible via USB or Ethernet (Dante).
This includes single-channel routing, as well as in blocks of 8 channels.
To try out the Web Remote for yourself, see the live demo here on the Appsys website:
↳ Web Remote DemoAppsys ProAudio Multiverter mkII rear panel (click to enlarge)
Audio Interfaces
- AES3 (16x16ch)
- ADAT (4x), SPDIF/AES3 optical
- MADI SFP (2x), supports Ferrofish SFP Coax
- MADI coaxial
- AES50 (up to 2 ports)
- MADI-TP (up to 2 ports)
- Dante
- up to 192 extra channels via Flexiverter breakout boxes connected to the FlexLink port
Clocking Options
- Supports 44.1...192 kHz operation
- ClockShield™ technology allows clickless operation during up to 1s clock dropouts
- Optional Sample Rate Conversion
Other things to mention
- Preset store/recall (16 different setups)
- Jumperable pinout for AES3 (Tascam/Yamaha) and AES50/MADI-TP ports
- Test tone generator simplifies troubleshooting of complex setups
- Triple-redundant power supply (2x 90-240VAC, 1x 9-18VDC)
- Can be powered alone from industry standard 4-pin XLR plug battery packs
- Separate network control port
- MIDI and RS485 embedding/de-embedding from MIDI/RS485 jacks into MADI streams (RME™/DirectOut™-compatible)
- Transparent forwarding of MADI control data (i.e. headamp control, MIDI over MADI)
Optional: Add Sample Rate Conversion to your Multiverter with the Appsys ProAudio SRC-64 Card
The Appsys ProAudio SRC-64 add-on module adds the capability of asynchronous sample rate conversion to your Appsys Multiverter.
Designed as an internal add-on module, it leaves the "Extension" port available for the Flexiverter break-out boxes.