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Graham Audio LS3/5 Chartwell speakers reviewed by Tone Audio Magazine

17th August 2017 3:44 pm

Graham Audio LS35 Review - Tone Audio - Synthax Audio UKTone Audio LogoTone Audio Magazine reviews the Graham Audio BBC LS3/5 Chartwell speakers. Read the full review here.

The Graham Audio LS3/5 Chartwell speakers have just received an in-depth review from HiFi specialists Tone Audio for their latest issue, adding to a growing list of HiFi and pro audio publications to put the LS3/5s to the test, which includes the likes of HiFi+, Hifi Pig and Sound On Sound.

If you’ve not had the pleasure of listening to the LS3/5s for yourself, one word that consistently comes up in regards to their sound is ‘musical’. In contrast to many modern speakers and studio monitors, the Graham Audio range takes a subtler approach, inviting you in to listen with their natural and refined sound. Every sonic detail is reproduced with care and accuracy, whilst retaining an overall musicality that can sometimes become lost with speakers of this calibre.

Reviewer Jeff Dorgay writes, "the LS3/5s in tight quarters feel like being inside a pair of headphones that should be on one of the heads at Mount Rushmore – the presentation is massive… …Faithful to the heritage of the original, the Graham speaker is assembled with extreme care and attention to deal. Don’t let the small size fool you."


“the amount of music these speakers reveal is nothing short of amazing”


Graham Audio LS35 - Tone Audio


Graham Audio LS 3/5 Chartwell – BBC Licensed Studio Monitors

If you're unfamiliar with the LS3/5, these speakers have a long and rich history. Designed by the BBC, the original LS3/5 was one of several speakers used by the broadcaster's in-house audio engineers. Graham Audio's LS3/5 Chartwells are thus based on the original BBC design, updated with modern components, and an extended frequency response.

All of Graham Audio's speakers are built under license from the BBC, assuring the quality of the design matches the BBC specification. Speaking about their heritage, Jeff Dorgay says “Where the original is slightly rolled off and soft, the [Graham Audio] Chartwells have all the allure of the originals, yet both ends of the frequency spectrum are better resolved and extended”, whilst also noting that “the amount of music these speakers reveal is nothing short of amazing… …they are not only special, but worth every penny asked”.


“they are not only special, but worth every penny asked”


To finish off the review, Dorgay concludes “few speakers match the sheer musicality that these speakers offer. Much like the Porsche 911 or the Eames Lounge Chair, a product with this kind of longevity is indeed special.”


Read the full review here

For more HiFi related news and reviews, visit the Tone Audio website here.

Find out more about the Graham Audio LS3/5 Chartwell speakers


If you’d like to know more about any of the speakers from the Graham Audio range, give us a call on 01727 821 870 to speak to one of our team or to arrange a demo.

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