sterday (16th Nov 2017) saw the first Miloco Gear Pro Audio Showcase which was held at Orinoco studios in London. The day-long event which set out to offer engineers, producers and songwriters educational workshops, product showcases and gear shootouts was also the perfect opportunity to see all the rooms on offer at the Leroy St. complex.
A number of distributors and manufacturers, including Synthax Audio UK, were also on show allowing visitors to get up close and personal with some of the latest pro audio products. We took along a number of audio interfaces, AD/DA converters and DAW controllers from RME, Ferrofish and Icon, as well as the entire Lauten Audio range of microphones in a dedicated vocal booth in The Pool studios.
One of the highlights of the day was the microphone shootout which was hosted by Miloco Gear’s Sales manager Robbie Dunne, and featured the very talented “Effie” whose beautiful and pitch-perfect vocals graced each mic for the test. The “blind” shootout included the Manley Reference, Sontronics Mercury, Vanguard V44s, Soyuz SU-023 and the Lauten Eden LT-386 Multi-Voicing™, Large Diaphragm Vacuum Condenser Microphone.
Effie sang a consistent version of the same four-line phrase into each mic and then the resulting takes were balanced and played back in a random order to the 30 or so engineers, producers and singer/songwriters who were crammed into The Bridge writing room. Simply listed as mic’s 1 to 5, the assembled ears were then asked to critique and vote on what they believed to be the best performing mic.
After some looping of takes, monitor switching and general discussion, the room resoundingly voted for mic number 5, with most agreeing that the natural and smooth mids, clarity and the overall presence were the deciding factors. It was then down to Robbie to announce that they had chosen the Lauten Eden LT-386 as the best sounding mic.
We are of course very proud that the Eden has won this prestigious shootout, but this has become the common outcome when setting up A/B tests with all Lauten Audio mic’s in studios up and down the UK.
So, if you want to find out why Lauten Audio mics continue to impress, then contact us to arrange a demo.
Meanwhile, we would like to thank Robbie Dune and everyone at Miloco for allowing us to be a part of what was an exciting and informative showcase.
Find out more about:
Miloco Gear
Miloco Studios