Dennis Rux of Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Studios in Hamburg discusses ‘vintage sound’ and RME Audio converters
For this latest video on the RME YouTube Channel, RME chats to Dennis Rux of Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Studios (Hamburg, Germany), who specialises in recreating the classic sound of 60s and 70s records.
Giving his views on what makes a sound ‘vintage’, Dennis also takes us through his beautiful, custom-made Polygram console, and explains why he uses equipment from RME – particularly the new RME M-32 Pro high-end, multi-channel AD and DA converters.
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Capturing classic hardware in modern quality
To faithfully recreate the sound of this era, Dennis’s studio is centred around a custom-made 1977 Polygram mixing console, which he believes to be one of only five or so ever built. Of course, faithfully capturing the sound of this desk requires a high-end AD and DA solution, which is why the studio is running RME’s M-32 Pro AD and DA converters.
“I want the converter to give me back what I put in, especially if I have a Polygram console that adds a lot of depth to recordings,” says Dennis. “[The M-32 Pros] give me the freedom to record vintage, but with features of the modern world.”
Long-lasting support for RME devices
Dennis also comments on how RME continues to provide support for its products for many years, which continues to be one of the main reasons RME is popular with both professional and hobbyists.
“with the RME I’m still getting support for my converter that I may have bought ten, fifteen, twenty years ago…
…This is something everyone in the industry should do.”
“There’s something that I’m used to with recording gear, and that is that you use it for years, and years, and years,” Dennis explains. “This is something that normally doesn’t go for converters or any computer stuff, but with the RME, I’m still getting support for my converter that I may have bought ten, fifteen, twenty years ago, and still get updates and new drivers. This is something everyone in the industry should do.”
Find out more about the RME M-32 Pro AD and DA Converters
If you’d like to know more about any of RME’s audio interfaces, soundcards, AD/DA Converters or microphone preamps, give us a call on 01727 821 870 to speak to one of our team or to arrange a demo.
You can also contact us here.