Pro Tools Expert gives their take on the new Fireface UCX II, RME’s 40-channel Advanced USB Audio Interface.
Read the full review here
With the original RME Fireface UCX now approaching ten years since its release, RME chose 2021 as the time to release its successor, a high-quality sonic upgrade that brings the UCX into line with RME Audio’s other latest generation of high-performance audio interfaces.
RME products are mainly cater towards working audio engineers, and as such the Fireface UCX II is aimed squarely at meeting the requirements of professional users – premium sound quality for recording and playback; flexible routing and monitoring with TotalMix FX; a range of digital I/O options; and ultra-reliable performance for Mac and PC, with support and updates guaranteed for years to come.
Having already picked up a solid review from Sound On Sound last month, the Fireface UCX II has now been equally well-received by Production Expert, with reviewer Luke Goddard emphasising the many plus-points offered by any device found in the RME ecosystem.
“RME has continued to thrive in the crowded interface market by stoically concentrating on what they do best: uncompromised functionality and stability,” he writes. “Take a straw poll among engineers and ask them to think of a company synonymous with “stability”, and one name on a short list comes up time and again: RME.”
“If you’re looking for something with a small footprint that won’t let you down, the Fireface UCX II should be at the top of a very short list.”
“Predictably, Fireface UCX II’s audio quality is entirely flawless,
and following many hours of use with it, my system has never been happier.”
Many thanks to Pro Tools Expert for the top review!
Read the full RME Fireface UCX II review by Production Expert
RME Fireface UCX II – 40-Channel Advanced USB Audio Interface
The Fireface UCX II is a highly integrated pro audio solution in an ultra-compact format. Designed for use in studio and live recording, the UCX II continues RME’s tradition of producing powerful and flexible interfaces for the professional audio market, packing the kind of connectivity and features into a half-rack size unit that is often spread over two – or even three – 19 inch panels.
With up to 20 channels recording and 20 channels playback; RME’s stellar SteadyClock FS digital clocking technology; high performance microphone inputs; TotalMix FX mixing and routing software (complete with Parametric EQ and Dynamics processing on every channel, plus Echo and Reverb sends); stand-alone hard disk recording to external USB hard drives or pen drives via ‘DURec’ (Direct USB Recording); MIDI I/O; a powerful headphone output; and full stand-alone operation, the Fireface UCX II excels with the highest feature to space ratio ever from an RME device.
Visit the RME Fireface UCX II product page
How to connect the RME ADI-2 DAC FS and ADI-2 Pro FS R to an Audio Interface
See more videos at Synthax TV
5 Year Warranty (UK Only)
Over the past 20 years, the word ‘reliability’ has become synonymous with the RME Audio brand, thanks to both the exceptional build quality and the now industry-renowned, rock-solid drivers.
For this reason, we are happy to offer all of our UK customers a complimentary 5 year warranty on all RME products, when purchased either from ourselves, or from one of our authorised UK dealers, and remain the only interface manufacturer to offer this at no extra cost.
To activate your 5 year warranty, simply register your RME device with us within 30 days of purchase via our warranty page.
To ensure you are buying your device from a UK-based retailer, please check our list of authorised UK dealers before purchase.